With the integration of the KEGG and Predictome databases as well as two search engines for coexpressed genes/proteins using data sets obtained from the Stanford Microarray Databa...
Zhenjun Hu, David M. Ng, Takuji Yamada, Chunnuan C...
Co-Space refers to interactive virtual environment modelled after the real world we are situated in. Through realistic 3D modelling and animation technologies, Co-Space simulates t...
With the prevalence of GPS-embedded mobile devices, enormous amounts of mobility data are being collected in the form of trajectory - a stream of (x,y,t) points. Such trajectories...
The COTESYS cluster of excellence1 investigates cognition for technical systems such as vehicles, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical systems (CTS) are information processi...
To decide ``Where to look next ?'' is a central function of the attention system of humans, animals and robots. Control of attention depends on three factors, that is, lo...
Marco Wischnewski, Anna Belardinelli, Werner X. Sc...