As soft processors are increasingly used in diverse applications, there is a need to evolve their microarchitectures in a way that suits the FPGA implementation substrate. This pa...
With the wide deployment of smart card automated fare collection (SCAFC) systems, public transit agencies have been benefiting from huge volume of transit data, a kind of sequent...
Rui Chen, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Bipin C. Desai, N&e...
The demand for data center computing increased significantly in recent years resulting in huge energy consumption. Data centers typically comprise three main subsystems: IT equip...
Zhenhua Liu, Yuan Chen, Cullen Bash, Adam Wierman,...
Cloth modeling and recognition is an important and challenging problem in both vision and graphics tasks, such as dressed human recognition and tracking, human sketch and portrait...
Minimizing power consumption is vitally important in embedded system design; power consumption determines battery lifespan. Ultralow-power designs may even permit embedded systems...
Changyun Zhu, Zhenyu (Peter) Gu, Li Shang, Robert ...