The process of cooperative problem solving can be divided into four stages. First, finding potential team members, then forming a team followed by constructing a plan for that tea...
Frank Dignum, Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Rineke Verbru...
Abstract. Auction-based electronic commerce is an increasingly interesting domain for AI researchers. In this paper we present an attempt towards the construction of trading agents...
Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) systems are essential in electronic commerce to encourage interactions and suppress deceptive behaviours. This paper focus on comparing two...
Agnieszka Danek, Joana Urbano, Ana Paula Rocha, Eu...
Mobile agents are no longer a theoretical issue since different architectures for their realization have been proposed. With the increasing market of electronic commerce it become...
Hartmut Vogler, Thomas Kunkelmann, Marie-Luise Mos...
In this paper we consider the problem of eCommerce comparison shopping agents (shopbots) that are limited by capacity constraints. In light of the phenomenal increase both in dema...