Abstract. Lately, overhearing has gained interest in monitoring multi-agent settings. Previous investigations provided an extensive set of techniques using overhearing. However, mo...
In wireless sensor networks data propagation is usually performed by sensors transmitting data towards a static control center (sink). Inspired by important applications (mostly r...
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Athanasios Kinalis, Sotir...
— This paper proposes COPE, a new architecture for wireless mesh networks. In addition to forwarding packets, routers mix (i.e., code) packets from different sources to increase ...
Sachin Katti, Hariharan Rahul, Wenjun Hu, Dina Kat...
Context-aware applications rely on the ability to perceive the state of the surrounding environment. In this paper, we address a class of such applications where real-time guarant...
Whilst tools assist the various tasks required to develop a multi-agent system (MAS), yet there still remains a gap between the generation of MAS models and program code. AUML dev...