The abuse of online games by automated programs, known as game bots, for gaining unfair advantages has plagued millions of participating players with escalating severity in recent...
Steven Gianvecchio, Zhenyu Wu, Mengjun Xie, Hainin...
Abstract—Complex networks, modeled as large graphs, received much attention during these last years. However, data on such networks is only available through intricate measuremen...
Testing a distributed system is difficult. Good testing depends on both skill and understanding the system under test. We have developed a method to observe the system at the CORB...
This paper presents our approaches and results of the four TRECVID 2008 tasks we participated in: high-level feature extraction, automatic video search, video copy detection, and ...
We present an algorithm that derives actions' effects and preconditions in partially observable, relational domains. Our algorithm has two unique features: an expressive rela...