The use of double-buffered displays, in which the previous image is displayed until the next image is complete, can impair the interactivity of systems that require tight coupling...
Gary Bishop, Henry Fuchs, Leonard McMillan, Ellen ...
We describe a vision system that monitors activity in a site over extended periods of time. The system uses a distributed set of sensors to cover the site, and an adaptive tracker...
W. Eric L. Grimson, Chris Stauffer, R. Romano, L. ...
Abstract. The presence of noise renders the classical factorization method almost impractical for real-world multi-body motion tracking problems. The main problem stems from the ef...
— In this paper, we propose a method that detects repeated motion patterns in a long motion sequence efficiently. Repeated motion patterns are the structured information that ca...
Abstract. Communication technologies, such as e-mail, instant messaging, discussion forums, blogs, and newsgroups connect people together, forming virtual communities. This concept...
Florian Skopik, Hong Linh Truong, Schahram Dustdar