Large-scale online communities need to manage the tension between critical mass and information overload. Slashdot is a news and discussion site that has used comment rating to al...
The advent of virtual environments such as SecondLife call for a distributed approach for norm emergence and spreading. In open virtual environments, monitoring various interactin...
Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Maryam Purvis, Martin...
Recommender systems have emerged as an effective decision tool to help users more easily and quickly find products that they prefer, especially in e-commerce environments. However...
Abstract— Improving data quality is a time-consuming, laborintensive and often domain specific operation. A recent principled approach for repairing dirty database is to use dat...
Mohamed Yakout, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jennifer Nevi...
Online trajectory generation for robots with multiple degrees of freedom is still a difficult and unsolved problem, in particular for non-steady state locomotion, that is, when th...