Abstract. Devices like PDAs, mobile phones and Smartcards can communicate with each other and to exchange information and they should be made mutually aware of each other. For priv...
In the context of ambient networks, this article describes a cryptographic protocol called Common History Extraction (CHE) protocol implementing a trust management framework. All t...
Samuel Galice, Marine Minier, John Mullins, St&eac...
Abstract. We prove that interactive learning based classical realizability (introduced by Aschieri and Berardi for first order arithmetic [1]) is sound with respect to Coquand game...
This paper introduces a logical system, called BV , which extends multiplicative linear logic by a non-commutative self-dual logical operator. This extension is particularly challe...
— The question of whether or not parallel repetition reduces the soundness error is a fundamental question in the theory of protocols. While parallel repetition reduces (at an ex...