Abstract. Interactive proof assistants should verify the proofs they receive from automatic theorem provers. Normally this proof reconstruction takes place internally, forming part...
Computer-based geometry systems have been widely used for teaching and learning, but largely based on mouse-andkeyboard interaction, these systems usually require users to draw fi...
Abstract. We describe the key features of the proof description language of Declare, an experimental theorem prover for higher order logic. We take a somewhat radical approach to p...
Abstract. JProver is a first-order intuitionistic theorem prover that creates sequent-style proof objects and can serve as a proof engine in interactive proof assistants with expre...
Stephan Schmitt, Lori Lorigo, Christoph Kreitz, Al...
We investigate the improvement of theorem proving by reusing previously computed proofs. We have developed and implemented the PLAGIATOR system which proves theorems by mathematic...