Abstract--Independent vector analysis (IVA) is a method for separating convolutedly mixed signals that significantly reduces the occurrence of the well-known permutation problem in...
Alireza Masnadi-Shirazi, Wenyi Zhang, Bhaskar D. R...
Abstract--This paper presents a technology mapping algorithm for field-programmable gate array architectures with dual supply voltages (Vdds) for power optimization. This is done w...
Deming Chen, Jason Cong, Chen Dong, Lei He, Fei Li...
Abstract—The paper studies the convergence properties of the estimation error processes in distributed Kalman filtering for potentially unstable linear dynamical systems. In par...
Soummya Kar, Shuguang Cui, H. Vincent Poor, Jos&ea...
Abstract—Pervasive vehicle-mounted mobile devices are increasingly common, and can be viewed as a large-scale ad hoc network on which collaborative, location-based services can b...
Emmanouil Koukoumidis, Li-Shiuan Peh, Margaret Mar...
Abstract To improve software quality, static or dynamic defect-detection tools accept programming rules as input and detect their violations in software as defects. As these progra...