Multi-modal tabletop applications offer excellent opportunities for enriching the education of young children. Read-It is an example of an interactive game with a multi-modal tangi...
Ivo Weevers, Wouter Sluis, Claudia van Schijndel, ...
We have observed numerous times how young children find it difficult to use software that provides different functionality with each mouse button. To better learn how young childr...
Juan Pablo Hourcade, Benjamin B. Bederson, Allison...
As technology for children becomes more mobile, social, and distributed, our design methods and techniques must evolve to better explore these new directions. This paper reports o...
The concept of the huggable robot Probo is a result of the desire to improve the living conditions of children in hospital environment. These children need distraction and lots of...
Interactive storytelling is a rapidly emerging field that tries to reconcile story-like experiences with user control. These forces oppose each other, as story implies predetermin...