: A powerful and widely-used method for analyzing the performance behavior of parallel programs is event tracing. When an application is traced, performancerelevant events, such as...
Felix Wolf, Felix Freitag, Bernd Mohr, Shirley Moo...
An innate characteristic of the development of ontologies is that they are often created by independent groups of expertise, which generates the necessity of merging and aligning o...
Information system models commonly describe organizations in terms of the structure of the data they use, the organization of the processes they perform and the operations that wil...
Currently computers are changing from single isolated devices into entry points into a worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions. Support in data, inform...
Dieter Fensel, Ian Horrocks, Frank van Harmelen, S...
In this paper we describe the development and test of a futuristic health scenario that allows the seamless exchange of sensitive personal data. The scenario was used to elicit us...