Ubiquitous connectivity on mobile devices will enable numerous new applications in healthcare and multimedia. We set out to check how close we are towards ubiquitous connectivity ...
Chemical information is now seen as critical for most areas of life sciences. But unlike Bioinformatics, where data is Openly available and freely re-usable, most chemical informa...
Peter Murray-Rust, John B. O. Mitchell, Henry S. R...
Mobile software applications have to meet new requirements directly arising from mobility issues. To address these requirements at an early stage in development, an architecture d...
eLearning is developing at an ever increasing rate as universities and colleges recognize its vast potential to reach a deeper and fragmented student pool. For a while, eLearning ...
Partitioning is the dominant technique to transmit large files in peer-to-peer networks. A peer can redistribute each part immediately after its download. BitTorrent combines thi...
Arne Vater, Christian Schindelhauer, Christian Ort...