We apply kernel-based machine learning methods to online learning situations, and look at the related requirement of reducing the complexity of the learnt classifier. Online meth...
Imprecision, incompleteness, prior knowledge or improved learning speed can motivate interval–represented data. Most approaches for SVM learning of interval data use local kernel...
In this paper we present the results of a comparative study of linear and kernel-based methods for face recognition. The methods used for dimensionality reduction are Principal Co...
Himaanshu Gupta, Amit K. Agrawal, Tarun Pruthi, Ch...
Many applications in text and speech processing require the analysis of distributions of variable-length sequences. We recently introduced a general kernel framework, rational ker...
—A fast online algorithm OnlineSVMR for training Ramp-Loss Support Vector Machines (SVMR s) is proposed. It finds the optimal SVMR for t+1 training examples using SVMR built on t...