In a paper of Klazar, several counting examples for rooted plane trees were given, including matchings and maximal matchings. Apart from asymptotical analysis, it was shown how to...
In this article, Temperley's bijection between spanning trees of the square grid on the one hand, and perfect matchings (also known as dimer coverings) of the square grid on ...
Richard Kenyon, James Gary Propp, David Bruce Wils...
An unsupervised clustering of the webpages on a website is a primary requirement for most wrapper induction and automated data extraction methods. Since page content can vary dras...
Abstract. In this paper, we show that algorithms on tree decompositions can be made faster with the use of generalisations of fast subset convolution. Amongst others, this gives al...
Johan M. M. van Rooij, Hans L. Bodlaender, Peter R...