The ongoing scaling of semiconductor technology is causing severe increase of on-chip power density and temperature in microprocessors. This has raised urgent requirement for both...
Abstract. The saturation state-space generation algorithm has demonstrated clear improvements over state-of-the-art symbolic methods for asynchronous systems. This work is motivate...
As size and complexity of software systems increase, preserving the design and speciļ¬cation of their implementation structure gains importance in order to maintain the evolvabil...
In this paper we enrich FIEVeL (a modelling language for institutions amenable to model checking) with new constructs to describe norms and sanctions. Moreover, we present a speciļ...
In this paper we develop a new method for solving queries on semistructured data. The main idea is to see a database as a Kripke Transition System (a model) and a query as a formul...