Abstract. This paper shows that asynchronous fault detection is a practical way to reflect partial failure in a network-transparent distributed programming language. In the network...
In response to Rodriguez' recent article (2001) we compare the performance of simple recurrent nets and "Long Short-Term Memory" (LSTM) recurrent nets on context-fr...
Programming network processors remains a challenging task since their birth until recently when high-level programming environments for them are emerging. By employing domain speci...
Tao Liu, Xiao-Feng Li, Lixia Liu, Chengyong Wu, Ro...
Interoperability is one of the main issues in creating a networked system of repositories The approaches range from simply forcing one metadata standard on all participating repos...
Marek Hatala, Griff Richards, Timmy Eap, Jordan Wi...
—This paper presents DAWN, a declarative platform that creates highly adaptive policy-based MANET protocols. DAWN leverages declarative networking techniques to achieve extensibl...