Testing of database applications is crucial for ensuring high software quality as undetected faults can result in unrecoverable data corruption. The problem of database applicatio...
Many state-of-the-art garbage collectors are generational, collecting the young nursery objects more frequently than old objects. These collectors perform well because young objec...
Maria Jump, Stephen M. Blackburn, Kathryn S. McKin...
Text summarization is a data reduction process. The use of text summarization enables users to reduce the amount of text that must be read while still assimilating the core inform...
Lawrence H. Reeve, Hyoil Han, Saya V. Nagori, Jona...
Standard concurrency control mechanisms offer a trade-off: Transactional memory approaches maximize concurrency, but suffer high overheads and cost for retrying in the case of act...
Yannis Smaragdakis, Anthony Kay, Reimer Behrends, ...
Wereporthere ona studyof interannotatoragreementin the coreferencetask as defined by the MessageUnderstanding Conference(MUC-6and MUC-7).Basedon feedback from annotators, weclarif...
Lynette Hirschman, Patricia Robinson, John D. Burg...