This paper presents a new algorithm for object handling tasks based on active tactile and slippage sensations using a humanoid robot multi-fingered arm for an object that exists at...
Any model of the world a robot constructs on the basis of its sensor data is necessarily both incomplete, due to the robot’s limited window on the world, and uncertain, due to s...
Many user interfaces, from graphic design programs to navigation aids in cars, share a virtual space with the user. Such applications are often ideal candidates for speech interfa...
Abstract— Colors of objects observed in underwater environments are different from those in air. This is because the light intensity decreases with the distance from objects in w...
— Safe autonomous flight is essential for widespread acceptance of aircraft that must fly close to the ground. We have developed a method of collision avoidance that can be use...
Sebastian Scherer, Sanjiv Singh, Lyle Chamberlain,...