Developing an optimizing compiler for a newly proposed architecture is extremely difficult when there is only a simulator of the machine available. Designing such a compiler requ...
John Cavazos, Christophe Dubach, Felix V. Agakov, ...
Web development is rapidly becoming a routine activity for informal as well as professional software developers. One variable that distinguished segments of this population was th...
CLaRK is an XML-based software system for corpora development. It incorporates several technologies: XML technology; Unicode; Regular Cascaded Grammars; Constraints over XML Docum...
Kiril Ivanov Simov, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylek...
The development of electronic commerce or electronic business systems (EC/EB systems) is subject to different conditions than the development of conventional software systems. Thu...
Program source is an intermediate representation of software; it lies between a developer’s intention and the hardware’s execution. Despite advances in languages and developme...
Geoffrey Lefebvre, Brendan Cully, Michael J. Feele...