We present a general framework for generating SQL query test cases using Constraint Logic Programming. Given a database schema and a SQL view defined in terms of other views and s...
In this paper, we make an attempt to use Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to automatically learn non trivial descriptions of symbols, based on a formal description. This work is ...
Brandenburger, Friedenberg, and Keisler provide an epistemic characterization of iterated admissibility (i.e., iterated deletion of weakly dominated strategies) where uncertainty ...
We present a novel approach to knowledge-based automated oneshot multi-issue bilateral negotiation handling, in a homogeneous setting, both numerical features and non-numerical on...
Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciasc...
This paper presents a new approach to inference in Bayesian networks. The principal idea is to encode the network by logical sentences and to compile the resulting encoding into an...