Extant Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems are very complex softwares, which embed multiple layers of heuristics and embark very large numbers of numerical parameters. A...
The pixel purity index algorithm is employed in remote sensing for analyzing hyperspectral images. A single pixel usually covers several different materials, and its observed spect...
Online creative collaboration (peer production) has enabled the creation of Wikipedia and open source software (OSS), and is rapidly expanding to encompass new domains, such as vi...
Kurt Luther, Kelly E. Caine, Kevin Ziegler, Amy Br...
-- The Distributed Agents For Autonomy (DAFA) study has been performed for ESA/ESTEC by SciSys UK Ltd, VEGA, and Politecnico di Milano in 2008-2009. The aim of DAFA study has been ...
Advances in wireless vehicular networks present us with opportunities for developing new distributed traffic control algorithms that avoid phenomena such as abrupt phase-transition...