Many people read online reviews written by other users to learn more about a product or venue. However, the overwhelming amount of user-generated reviews and variance in length, d...
Koji Yatani, Michael Novati, Andrew Trusty, Khai N...
We lay out one strand of a continuing investigation into the development of a virtual peer to help children learn to use “school English” and “school-ratified science talk...
Emilee Rader, Margaret Echelbarger, Justine Cassel...
Class-instance label propagation algorithms have been successfully used to fuse information from multiple sources in order to enrich a set of unlabeled instances with class labels...
Zornitsa Kozareva, Konstantin Voevodski, Shang-Hua...
This paper describes a novel approach to the semantic relation detection problem. Instead of relying only on the training instances for a new relation, we leverage the knowledge l...
Chang Wang, James Fan, Aditya Kalyanpur, David Gon...
We present a general learning-based approach for phrase-level sentiment analysis that adopts an ordinal sentiment scale and is explicitly compositional in nature. Thus, we can mod...