A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wavelet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among th...
Valero Laparra, Juan Gutierrez, Gustavo Camps-Vall...
This paper proposes a novel algorithm to reconstruct a 3D surface from a calibrated set of images. In a first pass, it uses Scale Invariant Features Transform (SIFT) descriptor co...
We describe and demonstrate a texture region descriptor which is invariant to affine geometric and photometric transformations, and insensitive to the shape of the texture region....
We propose semantic texton forests, efficient and powerful new low-level features. These are ensembles of decision trees that act directly on image pixels, and therefore do not ne...
Multi-class binary symbol classification requires the use of rich descriptors and robust classifiers. Shape representation is a difficult task because of several symbol distortions...