Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) has proved to be a valuable tool for performing automatic analysis of natural language texts. Currently however, most systems rely on a large training...
While there has been a significant amount of theoretical and empirical research on the multiple-instance learning model, most of this research is for concept learning. However, f...
Many text documents naturally have two kinds of labels. For example, we may label web pages from universities according to their categories, such as "student" or "fa...
PropBank has been widely used as training data for Semantic Role Labeling. However, because this training data is taken from the WSJ, the resulting machine learning models tend to...
Thoughit has been possible in the past to learn to predict DNAhydration patterns from crystallographic data, there is ambiguity in the choice of training data (both in terms of th...
Dawn M. Cohen, Casimir A. Kulikowski, Helen Berman