: This paper proposes a new inference approach for Chinese probabilistic context-free grammar, which implements the EM algorithm based on the bracket matching schemes. By utilizing...
In this paper we survey the primary research, both theoretical and applied, in the area of Robust Optimization (RO). Our focus is on the computational attractiveness of RO approac...
Dimitris Bertsimas, David B. Brown, Constantine Ca...
Coreference resolution is governed by syntactic, semantic, and discourse constraints. We present a generative, model-based approach in which each of these factors is modularly enc...
Antelogue is a pronoun resolution prototype designed to be released as off-the-shelf software to be used autonomously or integrated with larger anaphora resolution or other NLP sy...
Reinforcement learning problems are commonly tackled with temporal difference methods, which use dynamic programming and statistical sampling to estimate the long-term value of ta...