This paper proposes a general learning framework for a class of problems that require learning over latent intermediate representations. Many natural language processing (NLP) dec...
Ming-Wei Chang, Dan Goldwasser, Dan Roth, Vivek Sr...
Abstract--Support vector machines (SVMs) were initially proposed to solve problems with two classes. Despite the myriad of schemes for multiclassification with SVMs proposed since ...
Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa, Ricardo Sousa, Jaime S....
Background: Most predictive methods currently available for the identification of protein secretion mechanisms have focused on classically secreted proteins. In fact, only two met...
Daniel Restrepo-Montoya, Camilo Pino, Luis F. Ni&n...
Background: The purpose of this manuscript is to provide, based on an extensive analysis of a proteomic data set, suggestions for proper statistical analysis for the discovery of ...
Mohammed Dakna, Keith Harris, Alexandros Kalousis,...
The advances in image acquisition techniques make recording images never easier and brings a great convenience to our daily life. It raises at the same time the issue of privacy p...