The representation of acoustic signals at the cochlear nerve must serve a wide range of auditory tasks that require exquisite sensitivity in both time and frequency. Lewicki (2002...
A Coding Dojo is a meeting where a group of programmers gets together to learn, practice, and share experiences. This report describes the authors’ experience of creating and ru...
Many successful models for scene or object recognition transform low-level descriptors (such as Gabor filter responses, or SIFT descriptors) into richer representations of interme...
Y-Lan Boureau, Francis Bach, Yann LeCun, Jean Ponc...
This paper introduces XCSF extended with tile coding prediction: each classifier implements a tile coding approximator; the genetic algorithm is used to adapt both classifier cond...
Pier Luca Lanzi, Daniele Loiacono, Stewart W. Wils...