The current integrated developments in network and computing give rise to a technical infrastructure for the information society which one may variously circumscribe by terms such...
Abstract. ScaLAPACK is a library of high performance linear algebra routines for distributed memory MIMD computers. It is a continuation of the LAPACK project, which designed and p...
We present HybridOS, a set of operating system extensions for supporting fine-grained reconfigurable accelerators integrated with general-purpose computing platforms. HybridOS spe...
Modularity is a key requirement for collaborative ontology engineering and for distributed ontology reuse on the Web. Modern ontology languages, such as OWL, are logic-based, and ...
Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Ian Horrocks, Yevgeny Kazako...
Background: Character mapping on phylogenies has played an important, if not critical role, in our understanding of molecular, morphological, and behavioral evolution. Until very ...