Sponsored search systems are tasked with matching queries to relevant advertisements. The current state-of-the-art matching algorithms expand the user's query using a variety...
Andrei Z. Broder, Peter Ciccolo, Evgeniy Gabrilovi...
In this paper, we try to leverage a large-scale and multilingual knowledge base, Wikipedia, to help effectively analyze and organize Web information written in different languages...
WebPMI is a popular web-based association measure to evaluate the semantic similarity between two queries (i.e. words or entities) by leveraging search results returned by search ...
We consider the problem of ranking refinement, i.e., to improve the accuracy of an existing ranking function with a small set of labeled instances. We are, particularly, intereste...
Can we leverage the community-contributed collections of rich media on the web to automatically generate representative and diverse views of the world's landmarks? We use a c...