Wireless links can exhibit high error rates due to attenuation, fading, or interfering active radiation sources. To make matters worse, error rates can be highly variable due to c...
We consider a system with multiple interconnected video servers storing TV programs that are received through satellite antennas. Users, equipped with set-top boxes, submit request...
Sergios Soursos, George D. Stamoulis, Theodoros Bo...
A prerequisite for secure communications between two sensor nodes is that these nodes exclusively share a pairwise key. Although numerous pairwise key establishment (PKE) schemes ...
Wensheng Zhang, Minh Tran, Sencun Zhu, Guohong Cao
A novel approach to the computation of an approximate estimate of spatial object pose from camera images is proposed. The method is based on a neural network that generates pose hy...
In this paper we examine a latency insensitive network composed of very fast and simple circuits that connects SoC cores that are also latency insensitive, de-synchronized, or asy...
Daniel Gebhardt, JunBok You, W. Scott Lee, Kenneth...