Query processing over graph-structured data is enjoying a growing number of applications. Keyword search on a graph finds a set of answers, each of which is a substructure of the ...
Managing traceability data is an important aspect of the software development process. In this paper we investigate to what extent latent semantic indexing (LSI), an information r...
With the advance of the Semantic Web, varying RDF data were increasingly generated, published, queried, and reused via the Web. For example, the DBpedia, a community effort to extr...
Query processing in traditional information management systems has moved from an exact match model to more flexible paradigms allowing cooperative retrieval by aggregating the dat...
Wolf-Tilo Balke, Wolfgang Nejdl, Wolf Siberski, Uw...
Peer-to-peer systems, exchanging dynamic documents through Web services, are a simple and effective platform for data integration on the internet. Dynamic documents can contain b...