—Fast proliferation of IEEE 802.11 wireless devices has led to the emergence of High-Density (HD) Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), where it is challenging to improve the thr...
Yanfeng Zhu, Zhisheng Niu, Qian Zhang, Bo Tan, Zhi...
“The curse of dimensionality” is pertinent to many learning algorithms, and it denotes the drastic raise of computational complexity and classification error in high dimension...
Mykola Pechenizkiy, Seppo Puuronen, Alexey Tsymbal
Background: With the completion of the HapMap project, a variety of computational algorithms and tools have been proposed for haplotype inference, tag SNP selection and genome-wid...
Background: Most gene finders score candidate gene models with state-based methods, typically HMMs, by combining local properties (coding potential, splice donor and acceptor patt...
Qian Liu, Koby Crammer, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Da...
Information security has become a cause of concern because of the electronic eavesdropping. Capacity, robustness and invisibility are important parameters in information hiding and...
R. Amirtharajan, Sandeep Kumar Behera, Motamarri A...