In this paper a method is presented to fair the limit surface of a subdivision algorithm around an extraordinary point. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the subdivision matrix d...
We address ranging energy optimization for an unsynchronized localization system, which features robust sensor positioning, in the sense that specific accuracy requirements are f...
Tao Wang, Geert Leus, Dries Neirynck, Feng Shu, Li...
In this paper a method is presented to fair the limit surface of a subdivision algorithm locally around an extraordinary point. The dominant six eigenvalues of the subdivision mat...
We present a novel geometric algorithm to construct a smooth surface that interpolates a triangular or a quadrilateral mesh of arbitrary topological type formed by n vertices. Alt...
Many polygon mesh algorithms operate in a local manner, yet are formally specified using global indexing schemes. This obscures the essence of these algorithms and makes their spe...
Colin Smith, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Faramarz F....