To safely and efficiently guide personnel of search and rescue operations in disaster areas, swift gathering of relevant information such as the locations of victims, must occur. U...
Janice L. Pearce, Bob Powers, Chistopher Hess, Pau...
- Rich Site Summary (RSS) technology is a web content syndication format commonly used to organise news and the content of news-like sites. Indeed any information that can be broke...
— The paper presents a novel scheme for target-tracking realized with two mobile robots, where one robot is configured as tracker and the other as moving target. Fuzzy C-means cl...
We describe a programme of research in resource semantics, concurrency theory, bunched logic, and stochastic processes, as applied to mathematical systems modelling. Motivated by ...
Abstract. Model-based testing has been proposed as a technique to automatically verify that a system conforms to its specification. A popular approach is to use a model-checker to...