Several analog-to-digital conversion methods for bandlimited signals used in applications, such as quantization schemes, employ coarse quantization coupled with oversampling. The...
We study the worst-case communication complexity of distributed algorithms computing a path problem based on stationary distributions of random walks in a network G with the caveat...
We prove lower bounds on the error probability of a quantum algorithm for searching through an unordered list of N items, as a function of the number T of queries it makes. In par...
Abstract. We prove lower bounds on the randomized two-party communication complexity of functions that arise from read-once boolean formulae. A read-once boolean formula is a formu...
In this paper, we are concerned with low-complexity detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with tens of transmit/receive antennas. Our new contributions i...
N. Srinidhi, Tanumay Datta, Ananthanarayanan Chock...