As information environments grow in complexity, we yearn for simple interfaces that streamline human cognition and effort. Users need to perform complex operations on thousands of...
Motivation: A few years ago, FlyBase undertook to design a new database schema to store Drosophila data. It would fully integrate genomic sequence and annotation data with bibliog...
We present Tesseract, an experimental system that enables the direct control of a computer network that is under a single administrative domain. Tesseract’s design is based on t...
Hong Yan, David A. Maltz, T. S. Eugene Ng, Hemant ...
With many industrialized societies bearing the cost of an increasingly sedentary on the health of their populations there is a need to find new ways of encouraging physical activi...
Aspect-oriented software presents new challenges for the designers of static analyses. Our work aims to establish systematic foundations for dataflow analysis of AspectJ software....