Research on auto-harmonizing a melody (e.g. Chinese folksong) with piano accompaniment is trying to build up a computer system which generates a 3voice music including piano left-...
Abstract. The ability to recognize human activities from sensory information is essential for developing the next generation of smart devices. Many human activity recognition tasks...
Niels Landwehr, Bernd Gutmann, Ingo Thon, Luc De R...
Real-world natural language sentences are long and complex, and always contain unexpected grammatical constructions. It even includes noise and ungrammaticality. This paper descri...
This paper presents an approach for tracking multiple persons on a mobile robot with a combination of colour and thermal vision sensors, using several new techniques. First, an ad...
Grzegorz Cielniak, Tom Duckett, Achim J. Lilientha...
The Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions is a new platform-independent open-source workbench designed for the analysis, mining and management of l...