Fascinating and elegant shapes may be folded from a single planar sheet of material without stretching, tearing or cutting, if one incorporates curved folds into the design. We pr...
In this paper we present an approach to enrich skeleton-driven animations with physically-based secondary deformation in real time. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel, surfa...
Xiaohan Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbru...
Relations between mental and physical aspects of an agent can be of various types. Sensing and acting are among the more commonly modelled types. In agent modelling approaches ofte...
In order to make direct volume rendering practicable convenient visualization options and data analysis tools have to be integrated. For example, direct rendering of semi-transpar...
Many software process methods and tools presuppose the existence of a formal model of a process. Unfortunately, developing a formal model for an on-going, complex process can be d...