While searching the web, the user is often confronted by a great number of results, generally displayed in a list which is sorted according to the relevance of the results. Facing...
Nicolas Bonnel, Vincent Lemaire, Alexandre Cotarma...
Whenever an intrusion occurs, the security and value of a computer system is compromised. Network-based attacks make it difficult for legitimate users to access various network ser...
Latifur Khan, Mamoun Awad, Bhavani M. Thuraisingha...
In this paper, a modeling and simulation framework is proposed for generating data for training and testing intrusion detection systems. The framework can develop models of web us...
In this position paper, we propose the development of a new biologically inspired paradigm based on fungal colonies, for the application to pervasive adaptive systems. Fungal colo...
Many unstructured peer to peer (P2P) systems rely on a Peer Sampling Service (PSS) that returns randomly sampled nodes from the population comprising the system. PSS protocols are...