The adoption of information systems in healthcare is no less significant than in any other commercial or caring organisation. The literature on IS adoption in healthcare, makes it...
A web site should be easy to browse by visitors. However, sometimes the reality is quite different. Situations like several unrelated topics in a single web page may lead to confus...
Synthesis of finite-state machines from linear-time temporal logic (LTL) formulas is an important formal specification debugging technique for reactive systems and can quickly ge...
Context-awareness refers to systems that unobtrusively adapt to the environment of their users on the basis of context information, popularly known as contextaware systems. One inh...
Kamran Sheikh, Maarten Wegdam, Marten van Sinderen
Enabling keyword queries over relational databases (KQDB) benefits a large population of users who have difficulty in understanding the database schema or using SQLs. However, sin...