Most of recommender systems try to find items that are most relevant to the older choices of a given user. Here we focus on the "surprise me" query: A user may be bored ...
Mining discrete patterns in binary data is important for subsampling, compression, and clustering. We consider rankone binary matrix approximations that identify the dominant patt...
The United States National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the most popular sports league in the world and is well known for moving a millionary betting market that uses th...
Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro, Pedro O. S. Vaz...
This work introduces distance-based criteria for segmentation of object trajectories. Segmentation leads to simplification of the original objects into smaller, less complex primi...
We describe a data mining system to detect frauds that are camouflaged to look like normal activities in domains with high number of known relationships. Examples include accounti...