One of the keys for the success of parallel processing is the availability of high-level programming languages for on-the-shelf parallel architectures. Using explicit message passi...
As evidenced by the popularity of MPI (Message Passing Interface), message passing is an effective programming technique for managing coarse-grained concurrency on distributed com...
We present a Java-based framework, SWAMI (Shared Wisdom through the Amalgamation of Many Interpretations) for building and studying collaborative filtering systems. SWAMI consist...
Danyel Fisher, Kris Hildrum, Jason I. Hong, Mark W...
Abstract. One of the fundamental problems in relational database management is the handling of the join operation. Two of the problems are: 1) finding a page access sequence which...
Advanced object-oriented applications require the management of schema versions, in order to cope with changes in the structure of the stored data. Two types of versioning have be...
Fabio Grandi, Federica Mandreoli, Maria Rita Scala...