—New protocols are often useful, but are hard to implement well. Protocol synthesis is a solution, but synthesized protocols can be slow. Implementing protocols will be even more...
This paper presents our experience developing applications in Jade, a portable, implicitly parallel programming language designed for exploiting task-level concurrency. Jade progr...
While distributed, heterogeneous collections of computers (“Grids”) can in principle be used as a computing platform, in practice the problems of first discovering and then co...
Chuang Liu, Lingyun Yang, Ian T. Foster, Dave Angu...
Component-based software development would allow application software be largely constructed, rather than programmed. This approach would dramatically improve the productivity of ...
This paper describes Net-dbx, a tool that utilizes Java and other WWW tools for the debugging of MPI programs from anywhere in the Internet. Net-dbx is a source level interactive d...