We study Hamming versions of two classical clustering problems. The Hamming radius p-clustering problem (HRC) for a set S of k binary strings, each of length n, is to find p bina...
We show that the minimum distance of a linear code is not approximable to within any constant factor in random polynomial time (RP), unless nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) eq...
Given an edge-weighted undirected graph G with a specified set of terminals, let the density of any subgraph be the ratio of its weight/cost to the number of terminals it contain...
Abstract. We study the problem of minimizing the maximum latency of flows in networks with congestion. We show that this problem is NP-hard, even when all arc latency functions ar...
We consider the problem of maintaining aggregates and statistics over data streams, with respect to the last N data elements seen so far. We refer to this model as the sliding wind...
Mayur Datar, Aristides Gionis, Piotr Indyk, Rajeev...