We present an interactive workspace that integrates wiki collaboration in knowledge-building activities with face-to-face scenarios like brainstorming or problem solving sessions....
Stefano Baraldi, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alessandro Val...
Currently, sharp discontinuities in depth and partial occlusions in multiview imaging systems pose serious challenges for many dense correspondence algorithms. However, it is impo...
We conduct a series of experiments to investigate the desired properties of a tone mapping operator (TMO) and to design such an operator based on subjective data. We propose a nov...
Akiko Yoshida, Rafal Mantiuk, Karol Myszkowski, Ha...
Small group learning combined with innovative teaching methods were introduced at tertiary level to teach computer-related subjects. Teams wereconstituted according to Belbin'...
Isabella M. Venter, Renette J. Blignaut, Deon Stol...
Traditional "realistic" theories of social action, whether based on the individual gain heuristics of capitalism or the collective class struggles of communism, cannot e...