Abstract. A fundamental problem with a large class of image registration techniques is that the estimated transformation from image A to B does not equal the inverse of the estimat...
This paperdescribes initial work on a family of projectivereconstructiontechniques that extract projection matrices directly and linearly from matching tensors estimated from imag...
We consider the problem of localizing the articulated and deformable shape of a walking person in a single view. We represent the non-rigid 2D body contour by a Bayesian graphical...
Color is known to be highly discriminative for many object recognition tasks, but is difficult to infer from uncontrolled images in which the illuminant is not known. Traditional...
Trevor Owens, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell, Ayan Ch...
We describe a generative model of the relationship between two images. The model is defined as a factored threeway Boltzmann machine, in which hidden variables collaborate to de...
Joshua Susskind, Roland Memisevic, Geoffrey Hinton...