Matching systems were introduced by Carbone and Maffeis, and used to investigate the expressiveness of the pi-calculus with polyadic synchronisation. We adapt their definition and...
Abstract. Concurrent pattern calculus drives interaction between processes by comparing data structures, just as sequential pattern calculus drives computation. By generalising fro...
We propose pattern matching calculi as a refinement of λ-calculus that integrates mechanisms appropriate for fine-grained modelling of non-strict pattern matching. Compared with...
Abstract. We study termination of programs in concurrent higherorder languages. A higher-order concurrent calculus combines features of the λ-calculus and of the message-passing c...
Romain Demangeon, Daniel Hirschkoff, Davide Sangio...
In the theory of graph rewriting, the use of coalescing rules, i.e., of rules which besides deleting and generating graph items, can coalesce some parts of the graph, turns out to...