High confidence in floating-point programs requires proving numerical properties of final and intermediate values. One may need to guarantee that a value stays within some range, ...
Florent de Dinechin, Christoph Quirin Lauter, Guil...
Background: Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful method for understanding the qualitative behavior of gene regulatory networks. In addition to the more traditional for...
Background:Receptors and scaffold proteins possess a number of distinct domains and bind multiple partners. A common problem in modeling signaling systems arises from a combinator...
Holger Conzelmann, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Thomas Sa...
Background: It has become increasingly apparent that a comprehensive database of RNA motifs is essential in order to achieve new goals in genomic and proteomic research. Secondary...
Teresa W. Haynes, Debra J. Knisley, Edith Seier, Y...
Background: Chaos game representation of genome sequences has been used for visual representation of genome sequence patterns as well as alignment-free comparisons of sequences ba...