Over the years, several spatio-temporal interest point detectors have been proposed. While some detectors can only extract a sparse set of scaleinvariant features, others allow for...
Motivated by structural properties of the Web graph that support efficient data structures for in memory adjacency queries, we study the extent to which a large network can be com...
Flavio Chierichetti, Ravi Kumar, Silvio Lattanzi, ...
Given a task T , a pool of individuals X with different skills, and a social network G that captures the compatibility among these individuals, we study the problem of finding X ,...
Information Visualization (InfoVis) is at least in part defined by a process that occurs within the subjective internal experience of the users of visualization tools. Hence, user...
Sarah Faisal, Brock Craft, Paul A. Cairns, Ann Bla...
The Wizard of Oz experiment method has a long tradition of acceptance and use within the field of human-robot interaction. The community has traditionally downplayed the importanc...
Aaron Steinfeld, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Brian Sc...